This past week B had a slight fever. His first cold perhaps? Well of course this answered all the questions form the past couple of days (why is he crying more than usual, spitting up more, not sleeping as much and overall just plain cranky).
So many things to consider. From taking his temperature to making sure he's getting his fluids and last but not least breaking in the blue suction cup thingy. I never wanted to use it because I remember when my younger siblings were sick that using that instrument of torture to suck snot out of their noses was always a hassle. I mean it's a little annoying to have that thing in your nose because:
1. You already suffer from a stuffy nose
2. It's a foreign object up there literally sucking the breath out of you
So how did he take on the fact that he was sick? Surprisingly well actually. A runny nose yes, but still in high spirits. When Amy left the two of us to our own devices I quickly made a call home to my mother for a crash course on taking care of a sick child. The basics were of course confirmed, drinking fluids, using the suction thingy, keep a hat on the head to keep the heat regulated, and a good old fashion hug.
Things were going swimmingly until my wife and our visiting family friend ,Erica started to feel ill as well (Just so you know it seriously sucks getting sick on your own damn vacation) which left me....the last man standing. So here I am watching everyone in the house in their pajamas walking around like zombies with a box of tissue paper while I'm standing in the middle of the apartment with Banneker in one arm and me trying to form a cross with whatever appendage is available to me while I'm holding him ("Back, Back you sick vermin"). With everyone being sick this quickly prompts Amy and I to start talking about....VACCINATION!!! To be continued.
And so it is I am:
L. Jeffrey Moore
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