coming soon a comment from Banneker.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Chapter 3: The Son becomes the Father...

Believe it or not that car seat sitting on stage in front of that actress is my son in his very first performance with his father. This picture was taken by my wife during Brava Theatre's production of a series of Futurist plays. Even though he was fast asleep (and you can barely see him from this angle) I assure you he was a hit. A star is born!! Interestingly enough this has gotten me to think about how we as parents begin to have certain expectations about our kids. Whether it's purposefully or by osmosis I wonder just how much our mere presence ,in doing what we love to do most transfers to our kids. And if our children decide to blaze a different path how much influence do we as parents play into it. It truly is an amazing moment when a child suddenly says "I am" and discovers his or her own individuality. That is where you'll see what you have.
And so it is I am...
L. Jeffrey Moore
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Chapter 2: Race to what? And where we goin'?
Before I go any further please take a look at this and then come back.
You done? Now as you are scratching your head wondering what year this is let me interject in saying that I am not naive to think that all this is over however this effects me personally in a way that I have to remember to breath..... inhale.... exhale.
Needless to say this is very disturbing to read but what has kept me centered during my 30 min fantasy of shoving my fist down this guys throat is looking at my son (the product of an interracial couple) and thinking: "Man I got a good looking kid. Smart, happy, a great smile, and wonderful demeanor.
I guess what I am concerned about is having to explain all the stupid thing we humans do to my son. I'm also thinking about this man's so called black friends, who in my opinion should know better for the simple fact that they are in an area where history would've taught them a lesson. It is a shame how racism has dug in so deep that denial has set in.
So let's dig a little deeper here so that we may have a better understanding as to what is going on here. The Jo P's opinion is derived by a few things:
1. It is apparent that him and his friends are from an old school of thought that dates back to the segregated south via the days of slavery
2. He claims that having seen a handful of failed mixed couples that the reason why they have failed is because of "race" and that bi-racial couples do not last and that their kids are looked down on.
For the first reason we can all breath a sigh of relief because this is an old way of thinking that is dying fast. Really fast. So fast that this dying breed is kicking and screaming to it's grave. This story is a perfect example, and for that I am grateful. As far as the second theory goes could it be possible that two people just stopped liking each other and could not get along? Or could the break-up be from the stressful situation of having idiots like him work your last nerve day in and day out. Also, on the matter of other people frowning upon the existence of a bi-racial child:

'Nuff said.
As a father and a man of colour I know I am going to have this conversation with my son, and as I have thought about this I see myself putting armor on him to make it in this big bad ever evolving world. But the one thing that I will always tell him, is that underneath all of that armor lies a man. And that man will be judged by his deeds, and his heart. Plain and simple.
So the last thing I'd like to say about this matter is America has always been a beacon to so many people from so many countries and that we have been an example to the world with our triumphs and failures. So let's prove ourselves once again as the leaders that we are. Since we have seen how using the word race as a tool to divide people we should ban that word that has separated us but use it as a tool to unite us. As Mr. Edward James Olmos puts it:
Still not convinced? Then check this out:
To answer his question? Yes, until we're blue in the face.
And so it is...I am
L. Jeffrey Moore
You done? Now as you are scratching your head wondering what year this is let me interject in saying that I am not naive to think that all this is over however this effects me personally in a way that I have to remember to breath..... inhale.... exhale.
Needless to say this is very disturbing to read but what has kept me centered during my 30 min fantasy of shoving my fist down this guys throat is looking at my son (the product of an interracial couple) and thinking: "Man I got a good looking kid. Smart, happy, a great smile, and wonderful demeanor.
I guess what I am concerned about is having to explain all the stupid thing we humans do to my son. I'm also thinking about this man's so called black friends, who in my opinion should know better for the simple fact that they are in an area where history would've taught them a lesson. It is a shame how racism has dug in so deep that denial has set in.
So let's dig a little deeper here so that we may have a better understanding as to what is going on here. The Jo P's opinion is derived by a few things:
1. It is apparent that him and his friends are from an old school of thought that dates back to the segregated south via the days of slavery
2. He claims that having seen a handful of failed mixed couples that the reason why they have failed is because of "race" and that bi-racial couples do not last and that their kids are looked down on.
For the first reason we can all breath a sigh of relief because this is an old way of thinking that is dying fast. Really fast. So fast that this dying breed is kicking and screaming to it's grave. This story is a perfect example, and for that I am grateful. As far as the second theory goes could it be possible that two people just stopped liking each other and could not get along? Or could the break-up be from the stressful situation of having idiots like him work your last nerve day in and day out. Also, on the matter of other people frowning upon the existence of a bi-racial child:

'Nuff said.
As a father and a man of colour I know I am going to have this conversation with my son, and as I have thought about this I see myself putting armor on him to make it in this big bad ever evolving world. But the one thing that I will always tell him, is that underneath all of that armor lies a man. And that man will be judged by his deeds, and his heart. Plain and simple.
So the last thing I'd like to say about this matter is America has always been a beacon to so many people from so many countries and that we have been an example to the world with our triumphs and failures. So let's prove ourselves once again as the leaders that we are. Since we have seen how using the word race as a tool to divide people we should ban that word that has separated us but use it as a tool to unite us. As Mr. Edward James Olmos puts it:
Still not convinced? Then check this out:
To answer his question? Yes, until we're blue in the face.
And so it is...I am
L. Jeffrey Moore
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The first bath
This is for all of my friends and family who are not in California. This happens to be a good day for taking a bath. :)
Friday, October 16, 2009

Simply put, my world has been rocked. I have been a father for all of 3 months and let me tell you, it is a crazy, exciting, scary, and the most joyous thing one could happen to a guy. the one thing I tell people who are considering having kids is that you have to want to have children because nothing can prepare you for this. NOTHING! This is hard work and I've only been at this for about 3 months.
The one thing I have had to learn through all of this is of course patience and allowing myself to let go of everything that is not important and surrendering to the small one that will dictate the first few years of your immediate life. Amazingly enough you won't even care about that because you'll be too busy staring at your latest creation wondering how this whole thing got started in the first place. Example. I am an actor/filmmaker and one could consider it to be a profession where it is all about you (the artist). I also love going to the movies, and being social. Now this aspect isn't over it's just postponed for now, but the thing is is that you have to be at a point in your life where you can hit the pause button for a second to make sure that you bring a smart and intelligent person up in the world. This aspect of my life is not over however it has made me more picky about what I go out to see and what I put my "free time" into. That and I would be a total jerk if I did not coordinate with my wife. You cannot just up and go because the simple act of going to the movies is now something that has to be orchestrated. Frustrating....yes it can be but there is a learning curve to this whole baby thing for sure so try not to think that your life has been robbed all of a sudden. Try to look at this as a transition from one lifestyle to the next, I mean you have been put in the position of taking care of another human being!! So don't blow it :) For myself I like to look at the glass as being half full rather than half empty, so if there is a will, then of course there is a way. Having a child as it relates to your own personal endeavors is not the end of the world but it is challenging as it teaches you to manage your time wisely.
My goal for this site is to make this a virtual place a sort of refuge for new fathers to share their successes as well as their challenges and how you've jumped over those hurdles. I also want this to be a fun site and so every now and then I'll probably rant about some really cool gadget, movie or current events whatever. Take care everyone, we'll see you soon
And so it is...I am
L. Jeffery Moore
Video of little Banneker
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L. Jeffrey Moore,
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