Believe it or not that car seat sitting on stage in front of that actress is my son in his very first performance with his father. This picture was taken by my wife during Brava Theatre's production of a series of Futurist plays. Even though he was fast asleep (and you can barely see him from this angle) I assure you he was a hit. A star is born!! Interestingly enough this has gotten me to think about how we as parents begin to have certain expectations about our kids. Whether it's purposefully or by osmosis I wonder just how much our mere presence ,in doing what we love to do most transfers to our kids. And if our children decide to blaze a different path how much influence do we as parents play into it. It truly is an amazing moment when a child suddenly says "I am" and discovers his or her own individuality. That is where you'll see what you have.
And so it is I am...
L. Jeffrey Moore
I've been thinking a lot about this very thing as I watch my sister and her boyfriend raising their daughter. They're both pretty hands-on, skilled craft/tech people and are planning on getting her into dirt bikes from an early age, sending her to a regular public school and then a voc/tech high school. I'm looking at her, wondering what she would turn into if sent to a Montessori school, read to a lot, played different music, not exposed to TV, etc., etc. I have no idea what the basic components of her personality are, and how much of an effect nature vs. nurture will have.
ReplyDeleteHaving a passion that you're following will at least transmit to your child that they can develop and follow their own passions, even if they don't share yours. You guys seem to have a pretty good handle on who you are and what makes you tick, so I'm sure Banneker will too.